Read time: ~ 4 min. 30 sec. of your LIFE [Issue #20240328] I realize it takes me much longer to finish tasks than the time I allot for them. Especially the projects that are "worth it". The ones that set your soul on fire. The ones that require deep work. For me, that's composing. Over the past few days, I made a push to finish up a long-overdue clarinet sonata (personal project). I had about 2/3 left to go in the third movement + polishing the score up and such. I thought it'd take a day or...
11 months ago • 7 min read
Read time: ~ 2 min. of your LIFE [Issue #20240321] I just finished reading Cal Newport's new book. It's called Slow Productivity. The book was appealing to me because anything by Newport is appealing to me. But the title struck me also. As "busy" as I've been lately, this book sounded like something I needed now. I'm a firm believer that if a book isn't aligning with your current season in life, you shouldn't force yourself to read it. You can put a book down if it's not for you. As for this...
11 months ago • 2 min read
Read time: ~ 2 min. of your LIFE [Issue #20240314] Yes, I missed you last week. Reader, truth be told, I'm in something of a "slump." I hate to admit it, but I am. One thing I haven't quite conquered in my creative journey is the aftermath of a big project. All I wanna do is chill. And maybe I should. But I hate to say I "deserve" to chill because I tend to overdo it. And that's what's happening. Sometimes, you get so engrossed in the work that it takes a lot out of you. It's about time I get...
11 months ago • 2 min read
Read time: ~ 3 min. 30 sec. of your LIFE [Issue #20240229] OMG, Reader. Things are happening. Exciting things. I have great news, but I don't want to share it prematurely. I mean, the contract is signed and everything. But still... And believe me, you all will be among the first to know. And I'm not talking about my latest commission, The Spectacle, which will be premiered in Fukuoka, Japan in just two weeks. You already know about that. No, this is something else. A new opportunity that was...
12 months ago • 5 min read
Read time: ~ 2 min. of your LIFE [Issue #20240222] Reader! It's been awhile, eh? Hey, my friend! I hope all is well. This is the first newsletter back since the whole "rebranding" thing (which is still kinda happening). I hope you enjoy this new format (you might not even notice a difference). I try not to expect things. It drives me insane. That's why I developed Edict #5 of The Imaginator's Manifesto (remember that?): "We are past caring about whether or not it's going to work out for us."...
12 months ago • 3 min read
Read time: ~ 3 min. 30 sec. of your LIFE [Issue #20240208] Reader, we're rebranding! Well, sorta. You see, I write...a lot. Probably because I talk a lot. And here's what I'm realizing: No one wants to read that shit. Or at least not here. Not in your inbox. Your inbox is like "Stony Island Avenue" in Chicago (from about 0:50-1:52 in this video is how I express this sonically in my composition). You've got things to do. You're on the move. Newsletters get in the way. You don't have time for...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Read time: ~ 2 min. of your LIFE Reader, in case you haven't heard the news... I wrote a new piece, The Spectacle (for Two Tubas and Piano), which will be premiered in Fukuoka, Japan, on March 14th. But I'm not here to talk about the piece necessarily. Rather, how I got here. And it's funny to say "here" as if I'm exactly where I want to be. I'm not. And yet, people wonder how I've come to the opportunities I've had thus far. True self-care starts here: Dare I say that I feel "lucky?" I'm not...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
Read time: ~ 6 min. of your LIFE [Issue #20240112] I told you I'd be back. This two-day extravaganza already feels kind of weird, doesn't it? We'll see if I can keep this up (I hope you don't mind me experimenting). Reader, yesterday we talked about Charles Ives and AI chatbots. It was a weird time. But more importantly, we talked about the importance of space in creativity, whether that's making space for creativity or taking space away from it. ~(If you haven't yet read yesterday's...
about 1 year ago • 8 min read
Read time: ~ 3 min. of your LIFE [Issue #20240111] On October 12, 2023, it was announced that composer Sean Shepherd was selected to receive the 2024 "Charles Ives Living Award." This is among the most prestigious awards/opportunities for composers. For the next two years, Shepherd will make $100k so that he can devote his time fully to music composition without reliance on any other means of employment. Now that's an award alright. Not one of your average "spend all this time writing a piece...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read